4.5 Streetcar lines

4.5.1 Japan

Tanigumi line

Screen dump of a view from the line
Tanigumi line (Nagoya Railroad Co, Ltd. a.k.a. Meitetsu) is a streetcar line from Kurono to Tanigumi, for the class 750 streetcars (these streetcars were manufactured in 1928). It is a gauge 1067 mm single track line and is electrified (600 V DC). The line was closed at September 30 the year of 2001. A very well made route with many nice graphic objects and landscape details! Notice for example the sunlight in the forest openings. Gaku has with this route confirmed his position as one of the best route makers for BVE.
23 min.
11115 m
 Works with OpenBVE:
Known problems:
Line description:
A lot of beautiful pictures from the Tanigumi line (click Next at the bottom of the pages to see more pictures),
Even more pictures from the Tanigumi line (click Next at the bottom of the pages to see more pictures), Pictures from the last day of revenue traffic on the Tanigumi line before it was closed (click Next at the bottom of the pages to see more pictures)
Download from:
The creator's website has disappeared from the Internet many years ago.
To download from this website:
OpenBVE route package ver.
The code of this route has been adapted to load without errors and warnings in OpenBVE. The graphical experience is however not changed from Gaku's original work.
Last update of this directory entry:

This is search 417295 in the line directory

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